Monday, February 12, 2007

Margaret Atwood - Up

This is a poem I find myself in. Margaret Atwood’s Up speaks about the struggle of simply getting out of bed in the morning. This topic of poem does not seem like one that would be suspended in time, however it is something that every person has to deal with. Every morning when I wake up is a battle between drifting back into sleep, or getting up and going on with the day. The comparison of the weight of your past keeping you in bed like gelatin filling your lungs instead of air is just an amazing depiction of the weight your past can have on you. Then imagining yourself on your deathbed, that is what makes this poem great. The image of yourself lying in bed for the final hour of your life, thinking who exactly you need to forgive, that is a visualization which is very powerful, and just adds to an already amazing poem.

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